Litestarter Privacy Policy

Litestarter Privacy Policy

Policy Effective: June 1, 2020
Last Updated: June 1, 2020

This Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) has been created to brief you how Litestarter (collectively, “Lite” or the “Company” or “we” or “us”) will collect, process, use and/or save information (the “Information”), of which includes personally identifiable information, you submit, or we gather from you through Lite's websites, social media outlets, and offline events such as emails and phone calls (the “Information”). The internet address for the Company’s websites are located at, and associated subdomains (the “Website”).

This Policy is governed by United States law. Please read it carefully. Through use and/or access of the Website, you acknowledge and accept the practices defined in this Policy and agree to its terms. You expressly permit and allow us to collect, process, use, and save Information in conforming with this Policy.

We reserve the right to adjust or amend this Policy at any time, but should it be necessary to do so, will inform you of any content alterations to this Policy by posting such adjustments at the Website or by other suitable manners. All modified terms will automatically take effect thirty (21) days after we issue such notice, or on a date that we state in the notice. Each version of the Policy is identified at the top of the page by its effective date. By continuing to use the Website after amends have been defined establishes your acceptance of the Policy as modified. In the event where you do not agree with the changes, please do not use the Website.


Information That You Choose To Give Us. You may provide us with following Information: name, address (shipping and/or billing), email address, telephone number, mobile telephone number, credit card number, user password, and voluntary information during customer surveys and offers (including age, race, gender, number of children and marital status). The Information provided by you and reffered to in this paragraph is addressed as “Provided Data.”

Liability of Information Provided. You are held liable for the information of the Provided Data and you must guarantee its legality, accuracy, honesty, sincerity, and ensure it is not misleading by any means. You must make sure that the Provided Data supplied by you does not infringe on any rights of any third party (including, without limitation, rights of confidentiality), or is otherwise legally actionable by such third party.

No Duty, Entirely Voluntary. Access and Use of the Website is completely optional. No obligation is established for the submission of Provided Data not stated in this Policy.


Cookies & Other Technologies. Just like almost all online services, websites and mobile applications, we may use cookies and other technologies to collect information about your device, activity and browser. Such other technologies include but are not limited to web beacons, web storage, and unique device identifiers. When you interact with services we offer through one of our affiliates, such as commerce features, these technologies to collect information may also be used by us. By default, most web browsers are set to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can usually remove or reject browser cookies through the settings on your browser or device. If you do decide to remove or reject cookies, acknowledge that the availability and functionality of our services can be affected by these actions or actions related to such.

A cookie is a slight quantity of data produced by a website and saved by your web browser.  Cookies exist for multiple purposes and can serve: (1) to permit functionality; (2) to save your preferences; (3) to deliver analytics; and (4) to provide behavioral advertising and ad delivery.

Cookies can exist as either persistent cookies or session cookies. Persistent cookies will stay until they either hit their expiration period or you delete and/or clear your cookies. Session cookies expire automatically when the browser is closed. Expiration dates are established in the cookies themselves; meaning that some can expire after a long period such as months or some can expire in a matter of minutes. “Third party cookies are those that are set by other companies while “first party cookies” are set by the website you’re visiting. The Website utilizes cookies that are placed by us or our third party services.

Through the Website, some content or information may automatically be collected and/or received such as the following: details about how you’ve used our services, browser type, browser language, access times, pages viewed, resource requested, IP address, pages you visited before navigating to our services, internet service provider (ISP), date and time of resource request, and HTTP referring resource (if provided by the browser), operating system, and/or clickstream data. We accumulate this information, and may link this information with other data we gather about you to further identify how visitors use our site, enhancing user experience, and to aid in managing, maintaining, and reporting the use of our website. IP addresses are saved by us for fraud detection and prevention purposes.

Behavioral Advertising. To display advertising on our Website and administer our advertising on other sites, we partner with third parties. Technologies such as cookies may be used by our third party partners to collect data about your interactions on our Website and other sites in an attempt to bring you advertising based upon your browsing preferences and interests. In the event where you prefer to not have this data used for the objective of providing you interest-based ads, you may opt-out by clicking here). Please note that you may continue to receive common advertisements and that this does not opt you out of being supplied advertisements.

Social Media. The Website consists of social media attributes and links, and may use social media application programming interfaces (“APIs”) for log-in. Particular data about you may be collected by the social networking site. To get educated about how these social networking sites share your personal information, please see the privacy policy for the related social networking site.

More Information. The following third party websites can be visited to provide information in order to learn more about cookies and how to opt out of them:

Network Advertising Initiative:

Digital Advertising Alliance:


The Website operation does not change when it receives Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) signals. Information related to your usage or browsing behavior may be collected by the third parties that have services on our Website, in compliance with their corresponding privacy policies. You may visit the following third party website;, to learn more about DNT.


Aside of using the information to supply you with an incredible set of services and products that we that we tenaciously improve, we also use the information to:

  • Perform research and conduct analysis to enhance, measure, develop, maintain, protect and provide our products and services;
  • Administer and manage the Company;
  • Evaluate and monitor trends and usage;
  • Provide you with functionality of the Website;
  • Improve the protection and security of our services, validate your identity and prevent fraud or other unauthorized or illegal activity;
  • Personalize the services by, among other things, suggesting products, or providing advertisements, content, or features that match user profiles, interests, or previous activities;
  • Enhance, administer, and interact with you regarding the Company’s events, marketing, and advertising; and/or;
  • Make communications necessary to notify you regarding order confirmations, products, services, market research, requests, marketing, security, privacy, and administrative issues.

Some information may also be stored locally on your device by our system. For example, in order for you to be able to visit the website or use the mobile app and view the content faster, information such as local cache may be stored.

Note that no matter where you live or where you happen to use our services, you consent and agree to us processing and transferring information in and to the United States of America.


Information is retained by us for no set period of time in compliance with any applicable laws. As long as your account is active, sensibly useful for commercial objectives, and/or to abide with our lawful duties, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements, Lite will retain and use Information as necessary.


We may share information about you in the following ways or as otherwise described in this Policy:

  • With suppliers, business partners, vendors, consultants and other service providers, subsidiaries, and affiliates who need access to such information to carry out work on our behalf relating to the Website: website operation/hosting or information technology consulting services; website management; data analysis; fraud protection; product customization; customer service, marketing and promotions; data cleansing (if applicable); legal services; and other administrative and back-up and security services. These third parties do not have the right to use Information we provide them in any way that is not authorized by us or otherwise disclosed in their privacy policies.
  • With third parties for legal reasons. We may share information about you if we reasonably believe that disclosing the information is needed to; comply with any valid legal process, governmental request, or applicable law, rule, or regulation; investigate, remedy, or enforce potential Terms of Service violations; protect the rights, property, and safety of us, our users, or others; or detect and resolve any fraud or security concerns.
  • With third parties as part of a merger, restructuring, reorganization, sale of the Company, assets, financing or acquisition. If Lite gets involved in a merger, restructuring, reorganization, sale of the Company, assets, financing or acquisition of some portion or all of our business to another company, we may share your information with that company before and after the transaction closes. Subject to a confidentiality agreement, information may be provided to the entities and advisors involved.
  • With others given your permission, including if we notify you that the information you provide will be shared in a certain way and you supply such information.


Under California Civil Code Section 1798.83, you reserve right to ask us not to disclose your Information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes (that is, “opt-out”). Please send an email to with “Opt-Out” in the subject line in the event where you’d like to to opt-out of sharing your Information with third parties for direct marketing purposes. Further information about our approach to this law may be requested by California residents by writing to us at the address listed below.


All Information, except email, credit card information, and social media log-in is stored on databases and/or servers that are operated by e-commerce vendor Shopify. For Information stored with Shopify, Lite does not know the specific U.S. states or countries in which Information is stored. Shopify’s Privacy Policy, which discloses its data practices regarding information collected from merchants and their customers, may be accessed here.

Email information is stored on databases and/or servers that are operated by vendor Klaviyo. Klaviyo’s Privacy Policy may be accessed here

Lite does not store credit card information. Our payment processors store and process credit card information.

Social media log-in information is not stored by Lite. It may be stored by the specific social media site for which it is intended.


The Website is run, directed and managed by the Company from our office within the United States. If you access the Website from a location outside the United States, you are held liable for compliance with all local laws. You agree that you will not use the Website in any country or in any manner prohibited by any applicable laws, restrictions, or regulations. If the Website is used from outside the United States, you explicitly agree that your Information may be transmitted to, saved, and processed in the United States where laws regarding processing of personal information may differ than the laws of other countries. You are held liable for abiding with the laws of the jurisdiction in which you decide to use the Website.

You also acknowledge and agree not to use the Website from a territory that is embargoed by the United States or from which it is illegal to receive products or services from the United States. Furthermore, you agree to guarantee that the Website will not used or accessed by individuals on the United States Table of Denial Orders, the Entity List, or the List of Specially Designated Nationals.


Proper security measures are undertaken by Lite to secure data and information. Note that the transfer of data through the internet is not entirely secure. Even though we will do our foremost to protect data and information, we cannot ensure the security of data and information transferred through the Website.


The Website is marketed for, and geared to, purchase by adults or with the permission of adults. Persons under the age of 18 are prohibited to use the Website without the supervision of a parent or legal guardian.

We do not consciously gather or solicit data from anyone who we know to be under the age of 13, or consciously permit such individuals to access the Website. In the event we find out that someone under the age of 13 has supplied Information through the Website, we will delete that data as soon as possible.


In order to introduce our clients to specific information, we may provide links to local, state and federal government agencies, as well as some websites of other organizations. A link does not constitute an endorsement of the content, products, accuracy, services, opinions, viewpoint, policies, or accessibility of that website. Once you link to another website from this one, including any maintained by the State, you are subject to the terms and conditions of that website, including, but not limited to, its privacy policy.


This Policy is explicitly incorporated into our Website Terms of Use. Any dispute between you and us regarding the privacy of your personal information is subject to this Policy and our Website Terms of Use, including limitation on damages, resolution of disputes, and application of applicable law.


Questions and requests related to this Policy may be directed to the postal address listed below, at the following email address: We will respond to such requests in accordance with applicable law.