Pricing Details

Optimized To Get Started

Everything you need to know about Litestarter pricing to get started.

Your Terms

We will work with you to determine the best pricing strategy to get you started, Whether, it's paying a flat fee, giving equity, or a combination of both, we will make sure that the plan is optimized for your best interest.

Standard Pricing Models

Flat Fee: The flat fee is a payment that is made either one time or monthly depending on the service or bundle. The flat fee is designed to fit within your budget and is dependent on the complexity of your project. It can range from $100 to $50,000 USD. For example, the Google Search Ads service can be as low as one time fee of $200. However, a one time flat fee for the Ecommerce bundle can be as low as $5,000.

Equity: The equity option does not require a flat fee payment. Rather, it requires the startup to give up equity to Litestarter. This option gives the you the benefit of having Litestarter as your partner and growth accelerator. This equity option is very exclusive to certain startups and is dependent on the complexity of your project. It can range from 3% to 15% equity. For example, the Google Analytics service can be as low as 3% equity. However, equity for the Startup Growth bundle can be as low as 10%.

Combination of Flat Fee & Equity: This option speaks for itself. It involves equity and a payment that is made either one time or monthly depending on the service or bundle. The flat fee is designed to fit within your budget and is dependent on the complexity of your project.The equity agreement is built to benefit both Litestarter and you.
